It Is Not The End Of The World

Reminiscent of the commercial signage frequently found in urban landscapes and generally located on the tops of façades or buildings, It Is Not The End Of The World translates a familiar phrase into a text-based installation, consisting of an illuminated signboard made with ocean-blue LED letters mounted on an aluminium frame and weighed down by orange PVC sandbags. The viewer is invited to reflect upon our present role in the escalation of climate change, to consider an apocalyptic scenario, and to imagine a future world of lively, diverse and perhaps even humanlike lifeforms.
In this context, It Is Not The End Of The World repurposes the aesthetics of commercial signage to rebrand the end of humanity. The epoch where we took center stage – the Anthropocene – is coming to an end, but other species will take the spotlight and inhabit our infrastructure once we are gone. New life will flourish, with or without us.