The Campaign

In 1994, SUPERFLEX held a number of meetings with different companies – in engineering, manufacturing, and design – in the Danish city of Sønderborg to discuss a new invention. At each meeting, the invention was placed on the table but kept secret, sealed in orange PVC. A press conference was held introducing SUPERFLEX and The Campaign. The conference was followed by a ceremony in the garden of the castle in Sønderborg, where orange SUPERFLEX banners were revealed to the public. Afterwards, billboards with photographs of the meetings were on display around the city of Sønderborg, and newspaper articles speculated on the status of the invention.
By going through all the motions of introducing a product – but without the product – The Campaign investigated the rituals of company culture. The work followed all the rules of business meetings, but the participants had nothing to talk about and the meetings were reduced to empty formalities. For SUPERFLEX, it was also an early exercise in defining an art group as a company and in intervening in local economic systems.