Social Pudding

Rather than exploring the fabric of society, Social Pudding is interested in the pudding of society – the blending of social, business, personal and everyday activities into one gelatinous substance. A collaboration with Rirkrit Tiravanija, Social Pudding invites participants to a “Pudding Social” to create and exchange their own edible pudding. By entering the Pudding Social, participants become aware that each jiggling movement is a reverberation of every action around them.
The pudding product – which consists of orange and coconut flavours – was inspired by the pudding produced by food processing company Dr. Oetker, the main sponsor of Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, where the work was first shown. Pudding workshops have since been held in Bangkok, Copenhagen and Los Angeles.
Social Pudding is a social and culinary intervention that encourages its users to engage in the process of creating an edible product. The making and consumption of the dessert bind us together as a social coagulate.
Graphic design in collaboration with Rasmus Koch Studio.