
Euro is a billboard depicting a manipulated image of a one-euro coin, with its numerical value removed. It’s a symbol of European currency—and European unity—devoid of actual value. It simultaneously suggests two contradictory ideas: that the idea of Europe is an economic fiction, and that Europe cannot be defined by its financial system.
Made in 2012, the billboard reflects upon the instability of the euro at the time, when several national economies were collapsing (including in Cyprus, Greece, and Spain), and financially distressed nations were being bailed out through the stringent loan conditions of the European Union Bank. The billboard also reflects upon the social and political instability of the European Union at the time, when many citizens and political parties were questioning its long-term viability and cohesion.
Euro was originally made for the billboard exhibition Show Off, presented at Malmö Konsthall, Sweden and Point Centre for Contemporary Art, Cyprus, 2012.